Friday, February 24, 2012

The Opener...

Today began like any ordinary day, I suppose.  I woke to an empty day stretching out before me; nothing in mind to waste my time on, nothing to occupy my thoughts, nothing to inspire or incite any kind of reaction that would be noteworthy on any kind of level.  It is like any other day in my non-radar bleeping existence.  How very exciting, right?  It is the epiphany of any under-achiever out there roaming the world.  It was all going as planned; do nothing until necessity struck.  Or, at least, it was…

Enter, stage left, my rather obnoxious room-mate.  Conversations with him can range from amusing to exasperating to dull to annoying to irritating.  I, especially, love his money making rants.  He’s always got these ideas on how to make more money that take little to no effort on his part at all.  I do believe that any real money making scheme (whether real or fictional) takes a bit of time and effort, maybe some elbow grease as well.  However, that’s my opinion, which doesn’t seem to reach those deep recesses of his mind that only he has access to.

His newest idea of money making is to start blogging and have ads placed on it.  Granted; it is the hype of the internet right now.  Uninspired, do nothing, get nowhere nobodies are making money by having this idea to write blogs based on rants; fact, fiction, flights of fancy, just straight up bullshit; or, maybe somewhere smack dab in the middle of them all.  It’s like taking careful aim at a target and using buckshot; why not?  It’ll hit the target and everything else within a radius; just in case you miss, you still hit the damned target, somewhere.

The biggest issue I see with blogging is topics, or maybe, lack thereof.  I see everyone harping on the same topics over and over again, of course, putting their own spin on things.  Whatever happened to originality?  Has that been lost in the sea of monotonous reality of society?  Conform or be denied?  Ostracized?  It’s an interesting theory, really, the hive mentality of it all.   Shun the non-believer and some such shenanigans.  Where is the challenge in this?  I mean, there has to be more than one person bored with it all.

He has this weird belief that I might produce something of value; something that would get the attention of web-goers alike.  I wonder what savvy words this internet wise sage has to offer for the general populace to discover, inspect, dissect and digest?  I’m not sure, but I leave you with the expulsion that is here now.  Enjoy!

Today may have started like an ordinary day… but here you and I are… it did not end ordinarily.