Thursday, August 16, 2012

Que Sera Sera

The decline, or rather, delay in continuous writing or additions to this page has to do with the fact I have no idea what to even type.  I will load up MS Word and stare at a blinking cursor for a few minutes, become severely agitated, say “to hell with it”, close MS Word and go about some other mind numbing activity to occupy my thoughts.  I have an over active mind and imagination, one thing never keeps me satiated.  I must have so much going on that it would overwhelm the normal person just for me to focus properly.  I have no idea what this is; it’s just how I work, or rather, my mind.  At the end of some days, I feel a bit fried.  I’m wondering if it’s old age kicking in at the ripeness of 30 or if I’m really taking on entirely too much.  It’s not as if I’m some mythical creature, like Atlas, holding the world up by my shoulders. 

In fact, I’m rather sure; the weight alone would crush me.  I don’t want to think about the other effects it would have.  It’s disheartening, really, but plausible to understand.  The weight of this world is so immeasurable, it cannot be held up by one person, alone; man or woman.  I dare say that it is impossible for a select body of people to do so, as the saying goes – “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”.  The state of affairs for this world, not just single countries but the entire world; should be proof enough.  I’m not an overly political person, as I believe there are some topics you just don’t talk about (i.e.: politics, religion and money).

I was quite sure, as a matter of fact, that my blogging days were over until a friend of mine posted something on a social media site that just set me off in a tangent.  Now, his attitude was completely playful and his words were not meant to incite any negative emotion; and to be quite honest, they did not.  They did, however, light the fuse inside of me to voice my opinion on something.  I rarely do this as I find my opinions to be surprising, not to myself mind you; but to those who surround me.  If you knew me personally, you would know that I am quite the quiet person with nary a serious bone in my body.  I rather be fun loving than the serious break the bank stiff necked stuffed rear-ends already roaming this world.  I know when to be serious and when not to be.  Life generally does not require one to be serious, so I am not. 

So, with all of that said.  I am returning to the world of blogging, at least, for the time being.  I cannot guarantee what all I will be voicing my opinion on, which might even put me at odds with myself and posting on the forbidden topics.  So, as the song goes… "whatever will be, will be."

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