Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Randomness has stuck...

I don’t particularly find myself procrastinating on purpose, mind you.  I think it’s more on an unconscious level to put off the unknown.  I see this blog as a temporary experiment and I am unsure of the outcome.  I don’t really like putting my feet forward into what I consider to be quicksand, much like how I see this blog, as we all know; the harder you struggle in quicksand, the faster you sink.  I’m not fond of failures but I suppose this leads me back into the precipice you can’t succeed if you don’t try.  After all, isn’t success a failed failure?

It appears my ordinary life has taken to a change in direction; whether this is permanent or only temporary, I am unsure of at this juncture.   I have started in a new-ish direction and find myself meandering slowly down it, rather than running full sprint at it.  The proverbial dragging of one’s feet is done in more ways than one; ironic, isn’t it?  It’s not necessarily procrastination, just a put off of the inevitable.  The problem with things, not just the inevitable; is that they have a funny way of catching up to you when you least expect it, when you least want it and in ways you never even considered.

Life has a funny way of attaching its own ball and chain, although; in some cases, it might as well be a choker collar and a retracting leash.  I think life finds it amusing to let us run so far towards something we want, only to press a button to find us yanked backwards, and potentially, slam our asses to the ground while we lay there gasping for breath.  I can’t help but think that the amusement is endless because we are the definition of insanity; doing the same repetitious action and expecting different results.  However, I am not entirely sure if that is the definition of insanity or stupidity.

Which puts me at odds with myself, I don’t think humans by nature are stupid; except for those not-so-rare occasions where I’m proven wrong.  In those incidents, I am forced into two situations I’m not a fan of.  I do find both very effective at handling the circumstance perfectly.  In one scenario, I simply nod at the offending person and back away, very slowly.  I would like to add that this also works beautifully for crazy people, although having a cookie in your arsenal is to your added benefit.  The other method is slightly trickier and harder to pull off as it requires lightning fast reflexes and some experience with parkour; but hey, if you’re into that sort of thing, more power to you.

I leave you with these haphazard meanderings and self muses.   Enjoy!

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